Common questions

How do QR Codes work?

Write whatever you want: your favorite phrase, an invitation, your page link or a social network link. The information you wrote will generate a QR Code and anyone can read the code with a smartphone, being directed directly to the content you specified. The QR Code is printed on the article and in a few days you will have a mug in your hands that is 100% customized by you!

How do I know my image is good?

If your image meets the following requirements, you can be sure it is the right image:

  • Have a 1:1 aspect ratio (if not, part of the image will have to be cropped);
  • Do not have explicit or NSFW content;
  • Have high quality, ideally, but not necessarily, with proportions equal to or greater than 1080x1080px.
If your image contains explicit content or is of low quality, we will contact you to send us another image. If you don't want another image, we can refund you.

Please be aware that some images, even high quality, may differ slightly from the original color.

What are the details of the mug?

The mug is made of ceramic and is 9.4cm high and 8.1cm in diameter.

I have another question.

If your question doesn't appear here, please email .